
Plastic container tracking at Steirerfrucht

Austrian apple producer Steirerfrucht has smooth fruit handling process and full visibility over its plastic containers thanks to RFID.


  • Logistics And RTI Operation


Product data was not always available in critical points

Need for more efficient handling and logistics processes


Less errors when fruit origin and type information is available through the RFID system

Optimized logistics through automatic registering

Steirerfrucht Ltd specializes in the marketing of fruits of its 350 contract farming operations, with its own warehousing, sorting and packaging. The company is using RFID-enabled fruit containers to complete transparency of its assets to have at each stage of the supply chain tracking.

The RFID solution consists of various stationary and mobile identification points that allow Steirerfrucht to identify fruit type, age, origin and the movement of the containers within the premises and during transport. The RFID software integrates the collected process data in the corporate ERP system and thus provides the complete information about the condition of goods available. By using the Confidex Carrier™ RFID UHF transponder technology together with the Enso Detego asset tracking solution Steirerfrucht is able to increase the efficiency of the crate insert to improve the transparency of the nature and origin of the fruit and avoid process errors through automated alerts.


Steirerfrucht uses returnable plastic containers to collect, distribute, process and store the fruits. Containers face outdoor conditions, handling with forklift trucks, storage temperatures in the cool long-term storage as well as frequent immersion in water as part of the fruit handling process. Containers are tagged with Confidex Carrier™ RFID label that was selected for its durable structure, strong grip on plastic surfaces and RF performance.


About 350 contract farming operations provide 32,000 tons of apples and several summer fruit species to the company. In Steirerfrucht the fruits are stored until August of the following year in, sorted, packaged and sold to large commercial firms at home and abroad. The number of employees, depending on sales volume and seasonality of between 90 and 150 people. The export is entirely about the company EVA Handels-GmbH. Owner of the company Steirerfrucht Ges.mbH & CO.KG is Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark. Steirerfrucht is one of the companies marketing the fruit growers organization “OPST” Obst Partner Steiermark GmbH and involved in export firm EVA Handels-GmbH.